Information Protection Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. When we refer to “mBox”, “we”, and “our”, we refer to mBox Financial Technology Joint Stock Company and its affiliates.

1.2. This Information Protection Policy (Policy) will govern matters relating to our collection, use, and management of Information About You.

1.3. This Policy is part of the General Terms. You should read this Policy together with the relevant General Terms and Specific Terms. Certain capitalized words used in this Policy will be defined in the Specific Terms.

1.4. If you have any questions about this Policy, you can contact us via email at

2. Information We Collect About You

2.1. Some Information About You We will collect such as:

2.2. In addition, we also collect information related to your use of the mBox Software, for example:

3. Purpose of Collection and Scope of Use of Information About You

3.1. We collect Information About You to use for the following purposes:

4. Disclosing Information About You

4.1. We will not share Information About You with third parties, except in the following cases:

4.2. For clarity, we may publicly share Information About You that is not personally identifiable with any third parties.

5. How Long Information About You Is Stored

5.1. We will retain Information About You for as long as we deem necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in the Information Protection Policy. Some of the criteria we rely on to assess how long Information about You is kept include:

5.2. Therefore, for each type of Information about You that we will keep for a different period of time. In all cases, we will determine in our sole discretion how long Information About You is retained.

6. Unit That Collects and Manages Information About You

6.1. Depending on the particular Service, one or more of us may collect and manage Information About You. We may share Information About You with each other for the purposes set forth in the Information Protection Policy.

6.2. We may hire a third party to collect and manage Information About You.

6.3. We will update information about the unit that collects and manages Information About You at You can talk to the information collection and management unit if you have questions about the collection and management of Information About You.

7. Protect Information About You

7.1. We will take a number of measures to the best of our ability to ensure that Information About You is not:

8. Complaints

8.1. If you believe that Information About You is incorrect or that we are in violation of this Policy, you may:

9. Third Party Permission

We use third-party sub-suppliers to deliver the Application and its service to you, and we may transfer data to them.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices. These other advertisers or websites are not covered by this privacy policy, and we have no control over their actions. You may find a respective privacy policy to respective site. .

Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app: .

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